Commercial / Industrial


Bio Fuel Faculty on an Arizona Indian Reservation

Completed a preliminary investigation that determined the most effective manner to obtain BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) and Tribal approval for a 10 acre bio fuel faculty on an Indian reservation. This included determining all NEPA environmental EIS requirements and special environmental studies necessary to get BIA approval for the land lease and construction of the bio fuel facility. This investigation determined what offsite improvements were required for the roadway, curb and gutter, and wet and dry utilities.


Three Successful Parking Variances with the County of San Diego

Successfully completed 3 parking variances with the County of San Diego for commercial office buildings that were changing occupancy from General Office to Educational and Fitness Training Facilities. This caused the buildings to be over parked, and therefore the variances were needed to approve the currently available parking in order to obtain a Tenant Improvement Building Permit.


Processed over 50 Tenant Improvement Projects

Successfully managed the timely processing of over 50 commercial, industrial, retail, and medical tenant improvement building permits in multiple cities and counties throughout Southern California. My process includes holding all city and county plan checkers accountable with ongoing emails and phone calls as needed throughout the plan check process resulting in significant time savings from my clients.


Star Scrap Metal Relocation

Research, Advocacy, Conditional Use Permit and Design Review. As result of a 60 year old business under eminent domain process by Caltrans due to 5 freeway widening in La Mirada, worked with 12 different cities to find cities that would allow this heavy industrial use in the properties that were available for purchase. Then processed the required discretionary entitlements in two of the cities, and found a home in one of the city’s that approved the CUP.


BAE Systems Pier 4 Replacement (San Diego Harbor)

Responsible for the research and project management of obtaining the Public Improvement Plan – LDR – Drainage & Grades Permit and the Plumbing Permit for a replacement pier for the BAE Systems, a Navy Contractor. Worked with the Port Authority to obtain all city and county permits and approvals required to demolish an old pier and construct a new pier including all permits/approval for grading, paving, and all wet and dry utilities.


Heritage Center – Menifee, Ca

Obtained all land use approvals, all planning approvals including a conditional use permit, all construction permits, and all utility designs and approvals. Project included a 3 story medical office building, a 3 story professional office building, a retail center with 2 retail buildings, and a bank. Total Square footage 148,000 square feet Project included a 3 story medical office building, a 3 story professional office building, a retail center – 2 retail buildings, and a bank.