Medical / Biotech
Sharp Chula Vista Ocean View 7 Story Hospital Tower
“Project manager on the creation and processing of a CUP, EIR, Design Review, and Precise Plan review and approval for a new $239 M seven story acute care Hospital Tower.”
Halcon Rojo Makena Medical Office Buildings (Temecula)
Managed the entitlement process for a Major Modification, Minor Exception, and Building and Grading Permits for two new 26,000 sq. ft. medical office buildings; and secured a 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB, a Notification of Lake & Streambed Alteration from the Dept. of Fish Wildlife, a Non-reporting Nationwide Permit #39 Army Corps of Engineers, & Pechanga Tribe clearance to grade.
Sharp Healthcare Chula Vista Medical Center 6 Story Parking Structure
Managed the building, grading, and wet utility permit processing for a 6 story 770 stall parking structure with cooling tower, surface parking lot, and new access road. OSHPD approval required for cooling tower connected to hospital.
ABH/Shire Biotech Facility, San Diego
Responsible for obtaining a Substantial Conformance Review approval for building a 700,000 square foot biotech facility and an Encroachment Maintenance Agreement to put a tunnel under a street between two areas of the ABH biotech complex. To do this I had to work directly with the City of San Diego’s Business Development Manager, who worked directly for the Mayor, because this was the largest new employer in the coming into the City of San Diego.
Sharp Healthcare Cancer Center, Chula Vista, Ca
For this project obtained all planning approvals, construction permits, and utility designs and approvals. (Design Build Delivery) Total cost of project: $22,500,000 Total Square Footage of Project: 45,000 square feet
Makena Medical Center, Escondido, Ca
For this project obtained all land use approvals, all planning approvals, all construction permits, and all utility designs and approvals. Total cost of project: $18,000,000 Total Square Footage of building: 45,000 square feet
Hemet Center for Medical Excellence, Hemet, Ca
For this project obtained all land use approvals, all planning approvals including a conditional use permit for 8 buildings in 6 months from the project inception, all construction permits for 3 buildings, and all the utility designs and approvals. Also obtained parcel map for condo purposes and was involved in the construction management of the project. Total cost of project $34,650,000 Total Square Footage of Project: 126,000 square feet
Makena Murrieta Tentative Parcel Map, Murrieta, CA
Managed the Tentative Parcel Map and Negative Declaration Environmental approval process for two medical office buildings, two hotels, and multiple restaurants.
Rancho Mirage Health Science Center, Rancho Mirage, Ca
For this project obtained all land use approvals, all planning approvals, all construction permits, and all utility designs and approvals. Also obtained parcel map for condo purposes and was involved in the construction management of the project. Total cost of project: $30,000,000 Total Square Feet of Project: 75,000 square feet
Oasis Medical Plaza, Redlands, Ca
For this project obtained all land use approvals, all planning approvals, construction permits, and utility designs and approvals. Also obtained parcel map for condo purposes and was involved in the construction management of the project. The image above shows the wetland issue that Strom Permit obtained approval for from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Regional Water Control Board, as well as determining and specifying the payment to be made to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the mitigation measures. The total cost of this project was $12,300,000 The total square footage was 41,000 square feet.