Land Use and Zoning Code Enforcement Violations and Citations in Southern California.
What Is Code Enforcement?
Each city and county has a code enforcement department that is required to respond to any complaints for the community regarding potential land use violations. Therefore, when a phone call or an email is sent to this code enforcement department, they must complete an investigation to determine it there has been a land use code violation…
How to respond to a notice of violation or administrative citation.
When an owner of a property and/or the entity who is leasing the property (lessee) receives a notice of violation or administrative citation, they should contact the code enforcement officer who is noted on the notice of violation or administrative citation and determine the best remedy for the violation…
What is a land use or zoning code enforcement violation?
A code enforcement violation is when an owner of a property and/or the entity who is leasing the property (lessee) is using the property in a way that is not currently approved by the zoning code as a permitted “use.” If this use is allowed by some type of discretionary permit…
What does a code enforcement officers do?
After receiving the complaint from the community regarding a potential land use violation, the code enforcement officer will research the Zoning Code to determine what permitted and discretionary uses are allowed on the property based on zoning of the property. Then if the code enforcement officer determines that the use in not a permitted…
Why obtaining a business license may help you to NOT receive a code violation.
When a property owner or the lessee of a property obtains a business license for their business, in many circumstances the business licensing staff will check with the Planning Department…
Common types of code enforcement violations.
A code violation or administrative citation may be issued for a “use” that is not allowed on the property. Under this scenario, the owner of the property and/or the lessee will need to discontinue the “use” that is not allowed; and if a discretionary permit can be obtained which allows that use, then the property owner or lessee…